Saturday, June 13, 2009

Updated Stats

Phoenix's newest stats: 8 lbs. 11 oz. and 22". He is below the standard for his actual age (2 months), but in his "adjusted age" (2.5 weeks old, his "gestational age") he is in the 25th percentile in weight and the 50th percentile in height. He will use his "adjusted age" for development and growth charts until he is around 2 years old.

THANK YOU for your continued PRAYERS

Thank you all for your continued prayers for Phoenix! This past Tuesday, he went in for a somewhat common procedure for boys (a circumcision). Unfortunately, the results were far from common. It seems he is allergic to Lidocaine (the numbing medicine). This was not noticed until the procedure was already underway. Then, after attempting to give him some "sweeties" (sugar water) not only was he swollen, but then he was projectile vomiting around the room. Then, just after an hour of getting home, his Mommy (Steph) noticed while changing his diaper, that he was still bleeding. We called the pediatrician and were told to come in immediately. The doctor was unable to stop the bleeding with what she had in her office and we were sent to the Emergency Room at St. Charles, in Bend. He was at that time bleeding profusely. The ER doctors tried to stitch him, but the skin was already dying. An operating room had been prepped. His blood was drawn for labs and blood matching for a transfusion (because he'd already lost a lot of blood). But, Steph pleaded to wait to see if we could stop the bleeding, as the operation (a formal circumcision) would permanently alter his genitals, because they would have to cut off more than had already been cut. We were told that it would not be "aesthetically pleasing" when they were done. Thankfully, Phoenix eluded surgery when, after almost an hour, the bleeding stopped. He has been healing well and will get to take a bath (which he loves to do!), as soon as the plastic ring falls off. Until then, he has had "sponge baths" and he took his first shower with his Mor (Lisa) while his Mommy (Steph) washed him up. He didn't really fuss, but he didn't enjoy it nearly as much as his baths. Phoenix's newest "issue" is acid reflux. Apparently, this is quite common for preemies. However, it normally shows up while they are still pre-term. We did notice that it seemed to appear after we started giving him more formula (due to the decreased breast milk supply). Not only did he start spitting up and vomiting, but it was even coming out of his nose. He now only sleeps on his belly or almost completely upright (propped up by pillows)! We were instructed to start adding powdered rice cereal to his formula to try to keep the reflux down. Since this has not seemed to do the trick, and the reflux is now affecting his esophugus (making him unable to swallow without pain) Phoenix is now taking liquid Zantac (twice, daily). Hopefully, this will decrease his stomach acids and stop the reflux. Please continue your prayers for Phoenix. He has been through a lot in his short little life, but has thankfully (due to your thoughts and prayers) survived it all like a trooper!

Funny Hat!

These photos were taken while we were taking a walk with his stroller. As he turned his head (side to side) his almost too small hat slid off to the side. He looks a bit like a French sailor!

Another visit from Mormor

Phoenix had another wonderful visit with his Mormor! This allowed his Mor (Lisa) to work on painting the images for his aunt Anna Maria's wedding invitations and RSVP post cards.