Friday, November 6, 2009


Phoenix has a new bath tub shaped like a giant rubber ducky. If you squeeze his beak, he quacks! He loves to splash and kick and suck on the wet wash cloths! Phoenix just went to the pediatrician for his 6 month vaccinations (even though he's now 7 month's old!). Here are his new "stats": Weight: 16 lbs.5 oz. (15th percentile) Height: 27 1/2" (70th percentile) Head circumference: 43 cm (15th percentile) The percentiles are for his "unadjusted" age, so he is REALLY catching up FAST (especially his length)! His doctor said he is very social and flirtatious and quite a "pistol"! She said he's a beautiful baby with gorgeous eyelashes and eyebrows. And, if we didn't want to take him back home, she would gladly take him! Of course, we appreciated her compliments, but we're NOT giving him up!